вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


This takes quite a bit longer, but is what CI runs. Download them from the job and push each using:. You need to use the ruby first: I have tried using http for gem sources, and even downloaded the gem for a local install. TorqueBox requires JRuby 1. The code has only been tested on JRuby 1. This lets other projects, in other languages, reuse the same functionality by creating small language-specific API wrappers. jruby 1.7.6

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2.6-stable build 41

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. This lets other projects, in other languages, reuse the rjuby functionality by creating small language-specific API wrappers.

jruby 1.7.6

How do we handle problem users? Each runs the same applications and same specs, but packaged in different ways. If something goes wrong in the release job and it needs to run again, be sure to reset the torquebox-release repository with the correct code first: Sign up using Facebook.

Post jrubby a guest Name.

JRuby Sandbox

After the job complete successfully, the generated RubyGems will need to be manually deployed. Download them from the job and push each using: Sign up using Email and Password. Set up this repository as an additional remote for your workspace: The code has only been tested on JRuby 1.

TorqueBox runs on JRuby and sits on top of a new lightweight, pluggable, polyglot server codenamed WunderBoss at least for now. Bug bbrowning, bobmcw, or tcrawley if you are not. Improving the question-asking experience.

Is there a proxy blocking your access to the gemserver? Installation Read the Installation Guide for installation details. I believe that JRuby comes with a semi-complete version of openssl. Documentation We have various guides available to help with installation, migration, usage, and deployment of TorqueBox 4.

jruby 1.7.6

Right now TorqueBox 4 provides a high-performance Rack implementation for web applications and jruny APIs for messaging, caching, and scheduled jobs. Using the -f flag to force is allowed in this case, since the torquebox-release repository is not a public-facing human-cloneable repository. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

[jruby-dev] [ANN] JRuby Released

I created a gist for them to look at. Generated on Fri Jun 17 Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. We have various guides available to help with installation, migration, usage, and deployment of TorqueBox 4.

This is TorqueBox 4 and represents a substantial change in direction from previous TorqueBox releases. NilClass Others Rubies 1.

File: README — Documentation for xplenty-jruby_sandbox ()

Email Required, but never shown. David West David West 2 2 gold badges 17 17 silver badges 44 44 bronze badges.

jruby 1.7.6

I have tried using http for gem sources, and even downloaded the gem for a local install. I should have mentioned that this error is issued when I am already "using" that jruby version.

You need to use the ruby first: The first time you run the integration tests may take longer as bundler gets invoked for jrubyy test application to install its dependencies. The Rack support is considered production-ready, but the messaging, caching, and scheduling implementations are still in a bit more flux.

We aim to reuse the same underlying components as WildFly so that TorqueBox applications can run on top of WildFly in addition to running without it, to give users an option between a full-blown Java application server and a very lightweight, minimal server.

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