пятница, 3 января 2020 г.


More on group caching as well as how to disable this feature can be found on "New Feature in FSAE build 42 and later Group caching " see related articles below. To confirm that the DC agent is installed, you can refer to article "Where is DCagent service" in the related articles. Is the Collector Agent running? Reset the password between the two devices. If the IP is listed with the username of a service account, the service account is generating a logon event and is overriding the user's logon. It is assumed the initial setup of FSAE has been completed. Please check also the article "Only the first authenticated group allowed through policy" see related articles below. fortigate fsae

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It is assumed the initial setup of FSAE has been completed. Collector agent not running Steps to follow: A multi-homed host may resolve host name to the IP address of one interface while send traffic out another. If it is not using a domain administrator account, please change the account. If you found the host in any of the searches proceed fortigwte subsection A, otherwise proceed to subsection B.

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Overview The following chart shows an overview of the troubleshooting process: If the Collector agent is not running, go to section "Collector agent not running". Please check also the article "Only the first authenticated group allowed through policy" see related articles below. The best way to verify the connectivity is by running the following CLI commands: Fsze the collector agent configuration interface displays the status of the collector agent service.

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Otherwise, proceed to section "Collector Agent running but not connected". Reset the password between the two devices. More on group caching as well as how to disable this feature can be found on "New Feature in FSAE build 42 and later Group caching " see related articles below. Is the Collector Agent running? fortigahe

Make sure nothing is blocking the traffic between the FortiGate and the collector agent. The related article "Troubleshooting Tip: This can be viewed in the collector agent logs.

Fortinet fsae collector agent

If not found search for the username of the test host. You should try to disable it and running the commands from branch point 3 again. Fortogate way you will need to check the DNS server.

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The following command will start capturing traffic on the FortiGate: A common problem is with multi-homed hosts i. If still not found search for the hostname of the test host. The first requirement is the connection from the FortiGate unit to the collector agent.

Technical Note : FSAE Troubleshooting Guide

If the IP is listed with the username of a service account, the service account is generating a logon event and is overriding the user's logon.

These include the collector agent unable to resolve the host name at all or resolving to fortigqte incorrect IP. Start at the end of the file and search backwards for the IP of the test host.

Verify the groups configuration. Otherwise proceed to section "Not seeing logon events". Only the first authenticated group is allowed through a FortiGate firewall policy Troubleshooting Tip: Not seeing logon events Steps description: Is the FortiGate unit connected to the collector agent?

To confirm that the DC agent is installed, you can refer to article "Where is DCagent service" in the related articles. This article provides troubleshooting steps that can be used when fortgate FSAE problems. A good article on this issue is "Windows application forces to log-off the current user on FSAE and access through the FortiGate is blocked" see related articles below.

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